源由聖經裡上帝要諾亞將世界上各種生物放入一艘大方舟,以躲避大洪水的神話,2010年初,一群紐約大學Tisch藝術學院的互動電訊傳播學程的學生們也試圖運用最夯的手機科技,保護或保留這些即將滅絕的生物的蹤跡,於開發出真實版的諾亞計畫App(Project Noah)。
源由聖經裡上帝要諾亞將世界上各種生物放入一艘大方舟,以躲避大洪水的神話,2010年初,一群紐約大學Tisch藝術學院的互動電訊傳播學程的學生們也試圖運用最夯的手機科技,保護或保留這些即將滅絕的生物的蹤跡,於開發出真實版的諾亞計畫App(Project Noah)。
Can you imagine when the phrase “one size fits all” actually becomes real?
Well, it just did.
What happens when you really need to make that call, use your GPS, or listen to the song, but your mobile device's battery just ran out? There have been a number of products designed to help people recharge their devices on the go, but the following are special in that they convert energy from the user's own body into electricity that can charge portable electronics. Charging devices with body power, whether it's by converting kinetic energy or body heat, is helpful for outdoor exploring, travel, or emergencies, and is a type of renewable energy that does not rely on a sunny day or strong wind to work.
Etón American Red Cross Clipray LED Flashlight & USB Cell Phone Charger
Everyone travels, and the sad part is, everyone is bothered by the hassles of traveling, especially in tedious tasks such as booking hotels or documenting trips.
In this month’s newsletter, I’ll introduce you to two new web services that just might make your traveling life a little easier.
我們不但利用自己的創意把喜歡的事物放入在我們生活圈中,更重要的是有一些創意將我們的生活定義得更廣、更完全。我們今天可以利用Destination Dinner最新推出的DIY料理包(如下圖)做出多種美味的異國料理,有別於市面上的微波產品,這一個DIY料理包包含了所需要的調理油醋鹽,我們跟隨著書上的指示,在到超級市場買新鮮的馬鈴薯或是麵條米飯,只需要十分鐘,道地美食在我們眼前。商品轟動因為此料理包的份量適合多數小家庭需求,共享家庭天倫之樂的同時也能夠品嘗多元化料理,爸媽更不用擔心食物的來源,新鮮的食材原料到烹煮過程都在我們眼前完成。為此產品稱為Destination Dinner Recipe Kits,售價一包是25至30美金。當然,貼心的服務不只這樣,Destination Dinner也趁勢推出-禮盒組(gift-sets)以及派對包(dinner-party-kits)(價格另議),當我們到朋友家作客或是大家一伙待在一起享受DIY異國美食,或許又會有多一層風味。
圖片來源: http://www.destinationdinners.com
Team: Ideas and Life
The name of the team ‘Ideas and Life’, aims to depict the team’s philosophy and research direction of searching for ‘creativity in everyday lives”. Concise yet aptly fitting to our focus of research work, we hope that this name will bring across our passion and enthusiasm towards our exploration and pursuit of original and imaginative inspirations which are applicable to different walks of lives.